People have been trained to install malware

disclaimer: I get angry when I have to fix Windows. Expect explicit content. You have been warned. Being computer literate can be something of a curse. Anyone with even the most rudimentary skill set has probably sometime gotten asked if they could help someone with their computer. The other day I got asked if I could help, let’s call him Roger, as he was having some problems with Windows Update.

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Are iPads actually a step back?

Think what you will of the iPad, but it has been a huge success for Apple and people love it. It’s one of the few products that appealed (past-tense) to both the geeks and hoi polloi. I remember watching the keynote where the iPhone was introduced and immediately I thought that’s the pad from Star-Trek TNG! I had to have it. Apple’s initial carrier exclusivity deals meant I had to wait for the iPhone 3g.

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Advertising, that's not intrusive. Orly?

When you have apps in Google Play (and I imagine, other App stores as well), the amount of spam you receive instantly goes up by a factor of 10. Google’s spam filters are pretty well trained but every now and again something gets through. Advertising opportunity Today’s piece of bullshyt (I really meant to spell it like that) reads as follows (my emphasis): Our premium advertisers are currently looking to buy android traffic at a very high price in apps like Nononsense Notes.

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Convert to Android Studio and Gradle today!

Took the plunge and converted NoNonsense Notes from Ant and Eclipse to Gradle and Android Studio. It took some googling and a fair bit of frustration but in the end it was very much worth it. Eclipse has been broken for me for about 6 months or so. So very little of it’s powerful features were available during development. The ant build worked fine but Eclipse uses its own which is mysterious and requires constant refreshes and cleaning.

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Dark themes everywhere

I have come to really appreciate dark themes in the programs that I use. Be it any of my Android devices or my real computers, I prefer dark themes. In Emacs, it’s as easy as M-x load-theme wombat. And wombat is probably my current favourite dark theme. Dark greys combined with nice shades of blue, green and red. This entire web site is (at the time of this post) presented in the wombat colors.

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